Rachel 1

MEET RACHEL ORENDER: she followed her heart and learned that true joy comes from the Lord.

How did you feel the Lord calling you to Guatemala?

I've always had a heart for missions, but I had been to Guatemala the summer before and felt very much at home and at peace while there.  As a feelings-oriented individual, this stood out to me as a reason to return.  Also, Jesus calls us to GO in the Great Commission, so why wouldn't I take advantage of any opportunity, both locally or internationally, to serve?

How did you serve while you were there?

While there, my team built a wall around the new Learning Center and did a VBS program for the kids.  I spent the majority of my time connecting with the oldest kids of the center (about middle school-aged).  It was so sweet to connect over our struggles, even though we are from two very different walks of life.  We all struggle and suffer, but I think that sometimes it feels like we have nothing in common when we try to connect with others of a different culture.

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How did you serve while you were there?

I learned that true joy doesn't involve things or achievement or who I am friends with, but it comes from the Lord and Him alone. When I saw those with what I consider to be little truly happy and joyful, it puts in perspective what is important in life.

What has going and serving taught you about love?

Serving in Guate has taught me that love has no barriers. No language, culture, beliefs, etc. can separate people from loving one another if we are in Christ. Jesus died for us ALL, no matter where we are from. That love continues to pursue us now, and we can extend it to everybody around us.

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What’s one thing you wish everyone knew about serving others internationally?

Serving internationally, like anything out of your comfort zone, takes steps of faith. But it is so, so worth it. I think that it puts in perspective 1) how sovereign God is 2) what really is important in life, and 3) how our perceptions and culture influence our beliefs and the way we act. I think everybody should have an experience that broadens his or her perspective, especially if it involves God’s character.

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