MEET HANNAH: It Was No Coincidence

MEET HANNAH FERRELL: shining her light and loving others where she is while she waits to serve.

What led you to serve in Brazil?

When I was a young teenager I felt the Lord calling me to work in missions and strengthening my desire and passion to go. I didn’t know where or when, but I was ready. So I started praying for a trip that would open up. Many things fell through before the Lord and His provident hand led me to see my third grade teacher, who is a missionary to Brazil, after many years. After seeing her again and talking to her about my love for missions and desire to go on a trip, my parents started helping me plan a trip for this summer.

How do you plan to serve while you’re there?

I was able to FaceTime Mrs. Autumn (my third grade teacher) and plan the goals for my trip.

How have you see the Lord at work while you prepare to go and serve?

The Lord has shown His hand in every part of this trip. From not being able to go on the other trips that fell through, through the waiting and praying for a door to open up, to my third grade teacher “happening” to be a missionary and opening the door to our paths crossing again, and to the financial side of things. It was no coincidence that my third grade teacher was my teacher. I really believe the Lord allowed us to meet then to maybe open the door now for this trip to Brazil. God’s timing is best and He has a plan and a purpose to everyone you meet. I also have seen God provide over and above what I’ve prayed for with fundraising. God is so good and has worked in every part of this journey.

What’s one thing fundraising has taught you?

Fundraising has shown me how God provides, but it’s also shown me how loving, caring, and supporting my friends and family (and people I don’t know) are. It’s taught me to give more because I’ve been given so much.

If you could tell the world one thing about international missions, what would you say?

God has called us all to be missionaries. Whether in Africa, Brazil, or the little city of Pink Hill in North Carolina. We have all been called to go and tell. Everyone has a “such a time as this”. We just have to be willing to go and let God use us. When we are willing, God will equip and provide along the way. Shine your light where you are and love others.

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